Concert "Arrels de Gràcia"

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Arrels de Gràcia

15 years of rumba

Catalan Rumba – Barcelona

Arrels de Gràcia are an authentic gem within Catalan rumba and the Barcelona music scene. With an exquisite respect for tradition, the group approaches rumba in a natural and spontaneous way, staying loyal to the legacy received while exploring new sounds.

Their ‘costumbrismo’ and ironic lyrics have consecrated some of their songs as classics unparalleled in style. Arrels de Gràcia stand out for the vocal timbre and character of their leader, Jonathan Giménez, which culminate the singularity of the group and make it an unequalled point of reference for today’s rumba.

With this group, Catalan rumba turns La Mercè into a big celebration.

Recommended for audiences of all ages.

Avinguda de la Catedral

Avinguda de la Catedral, 1
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic
Avinguda de la Catedral

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