Òscar Latorre

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Jazz. The first steps along the road to building an identity, as part of the Marató de Jazz de L’Auditori.

Òscar Latorre will be performing at 4 pm on Saturday 4 May as part of the Marató de Jazz [Jazz Marathon].

Taking his first steps in the professional music world, the trumpeter is counting on musicians he’s been playing with for the past year, together with some of the most renowned jazz players in the world. The experience of being one of those chosen for the Focusyear nonet (Focusyear is a programme run by the Basel Academy of Music, where giants such as Kurt Rosenwinkel and Jorge Rossy worked) was the starting point for the album A Pathway to Become recorded with two fellow members of the band, vibraphonist Jean-Lou Treboux and double bass player Sebastián de Urquiza. Together with the restless Jordi Pallarés, they’ll be offering a performance whose aesthetics are rooted in highly personal experiences.

Admission is free of charge and prior booking is not required.



Occur on:
Sala 2 Oriol Martorell.


Òscar Latorre, trompeta

Jean-Lou Treboux, vibràfon

Sebastián de Urquiza, contrabaix

Jordi Pallarés, bateria

L'Auditori de Barcelona - Sala 2 Oriol Martorell

Lepant, 150
el Fort Pienc
L'Auditori de Barcelona - Sala 2 Oriol Martorell


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