BCN: The Civil War

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Punt de trobada: Plaça Sant Jaume

Guided tour. A guided tour to discover what life in Barcelona was like between 1936 and 1939.

A route that gives you an insight into everyday life in Barcelona between 1936 and 1939. Find out what the city was like during the more than 30 months that the city was in the rearguard of the Spanish Civil War.

Based on eyewitness accounts, rigorous documentation, and some scenarios, that are almost intact, you’ll see what daily lives were like - the constant threat of gunfire on the streets, looting, bombing and all manner of shortages.

The tour offers you a closer look at the most human side of a conflict that is all too often described in military and partisan terms.

The tours are conducted in either Catalan or Spanish, on alternate Saturdays.

Duration: Approximately two hours.

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Estàs cansat de conèixer batalles llunyanes, sense saber com vivien els teus veïns fa 85 anys? Coneix el dia a dia de Barcelona entre 1936 i 1939. Descobrim com fou la ciutat durant els més de 30 mesos que va estar a la rereguarda de la Guerra Civil espanyola.

A partir de testimonis, una rigorosa documentació, i alguns escenaris gairebé intactes, recuperem com eren les  activitats quotidianes, sempre sota les  amenaces dels tirotejos, saquejos, bombardejos i mancances de tot tipus. Ens acostem així a la vessant més  propera d’un conflicte que massa sovint s’explica només en clau militar i partidista.


C Estruc, 10
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic
From 02/03/2024 to 23/06/2024

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