‘The Physician, the Musical’

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Musical. Noah Gordon’s bestseller transformed into a musical super production.


Little Rob J. Cole's life changes the day he becomes an orphan and discovers that he has an unusual gift: he can predict death. Taken on as an apprentice by a barber-surgeon, Rob travels around England discovering life, discipline and a thirst for knowledge. At the age of nineteen, a Jewish doctor speaks to him of faraway Persia, where there's a medical school run by the greatest physician of that time: Avicenna.

Rob sets off on an adventure, ready to cross half the world to become a doctor. As he travels through the desert with a caravan, he meets Mary, a Scottish girl who reminds him of his roots and will help shape his plans for the future. Nothing will be easy for Rob in Ispahan, not posing as a Jew in order to be permitted to study, or his relationship with Sha, who is enchanted by his friendship. Before long, he becomes one of Avicenna's most gifted students, but plague, war and a despotic king will push him to the limit. Only love, friendship and his vocation will enable him to survive.

Show in Spanish.

Length: 180 minutes.



Occur on:
Teatre Apolo.
Tickets sold at:
Teatre Apolo.

La vida del petit Rob J. Cole canvia el dia que queda orfe i descobreix que posseeix un insòlit do a les mans: pot predir la mort. Adoptat com a aprenent per un cirurgià barber, Rob recorre Anglaterra descobrint la vida, la disciplina i la curiositat per aprendre. Amb dinou anys, un metge jueu li parla de la llunyana Pèrsia, on hi ha una escola de medicina dirigida pel millor metge de l’època: Avicena.

Rob parteix cap a l’aventura, disposat a creuar mig món per convertir-se en metge. Mentre viatja en una caravana a través del desert coneix la Mary, una noia escocesa que li farà recordar els orígens i marcarà els plans de futur. Res no serà fàcil per a Rob a Ispahan, ni fer-se passar per jueu perquè se li permeti estudiar ni la seva relació amb el Sha, que s’encapritxa de la seva amistat. Aviat es converteix en un alumne avantatjat d’Avicena, però una plaga, la guerra i un rei dèspota posaran a prova la vida de Rob. Només l’amistat, la vocació i l’amor l’empenyeran a sobreviure.

Teatre Apolo

Avinguda del Paral·lel, 57 - 61
el Poble-sec
Teatre Apolo
From 21/01/2025 to 02/03/2025


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