Climate crisis. The exhibition invites us to rethink our relationship with marine ecosystems through design, architecture and technology.
The Ocean Speaks. New Ecologies and Economies of the Seas reflects on cities’ relationship with the sea.
Barcelona's opening up to the sea was one of the great structural changes that redefined the city in the 1990s. Now, the climate crisis is forcing the city to rethink its relationship with the marine world, and the ecosystems that are a part of it. The exhibition takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, looking at it from the perspectives of architecture, fashion, technology, speculative design and urban planning, disciplines capable of proposing new scenarios for the great challenges facing society.
Taking as its starting point the history of the relationship between a city - Barcelona - and its waterfront, this exhibition explores the conflicts and circumstances that are replicated in coastal communities around the world, where 40% of the population, and a large part of the most highly valued land, are concentrated.
Days | Hours | Preus | ||
Dilluns |
de 15.30 h a 21.00 h |
Entrada general: 6 €
El preu inclou la visita a les exposicions permanents
Entrada reduïda: 4 €
Entrada gratuïta: · Diumenge a la tarda, de 15 a 20 h . Cada primer diumenge de mes . 11 de febrer (Santa Eulàlia) . 24 de setembre (La Mercè) . Menors de 16 anys . Posseïdors de la Targeta Rosa gratuïta . Membres de l'ICOM (International Council of Museums) . Membres de l'Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya . Guies turístics professionals . Professors d'ensenyament reglat acreditats per la direcció del centre educatiu . Professors d'ensenyament reglat quan acompanyin un grup d'estudiants . Persones que disposin del passi metropolità d'acompanyant de persones amb discapacitat . Periodistes degudament acreditats . Posseïdors de la targeta Barcelona Card . Persones inscrites al Gaudir Més | ||
De dimarts a diumenge i festius excepte 24, 25 i 31 desembre i 1 gener, |
de 09.00 h a 21.00 h | |||
24 desembre i
31 desembre |
de 10.00 h a 15.30 h |
- Occur on:
- Disseny Hub Barcelona.
An exhibition that analyses the effects of human activity on marine ecosystems, reflecting on how the city can redesign its relationship with the sea through a discourse grounded in innovation.
Barcelona's opening up to the sea was one of the great structural changes that redefined the city in the 1990s. Now, the climate crisis is forcing the city to rethink its relationship with the marine world, and the ecosystems that are a part of it. The exhibition takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, looking at it from the perspectives of architecture, fashion, technology, speculative design and urban planning, all disciplines capable of proposing new imaginaries for the great challenges that society is facing.
Taking as its starting point the history of the relationship between a city - Barcelona - and its waterfront, this exhibition explores the conflicts and circumstances that are replicated in coastal communities around the world, where 40% of the population, and a large part of the most highly valued land, are concentrated.
Curator: José Luis de Vicente
Disseny Hub Barcelona
- Address:
- Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, 37*38
- :
- Sant Martí
- Neighborhood:
- el Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou
- City:
- Barcelona
- When
- From 10/10/2024 to 23/02/2025
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