Underwater archaeology. A fascinating memory is hidden at the bottom of the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.
“ Shipwrecks. Submerged History” offers us an insight into Catalonia’s rich and diverse underwater archaeological heritage, as well as the important task of studying, safeguarding and protecting it, carried out by the Centre d'Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya (CASC) since 1992.
The display offers a selection of more than 200 objects from the excavations carried out by the CASC over the last 30 years and from various museums and collections around the country, some of which have never been shown to the general public.
This activity is part of the Cultural Regatta, the programme of activities promoted by Barcelona City Council with the collaboration of the Government of Catalonia, to go with the America’s Cup being held in Barcelona.
Days | Hours | Preus | ||
Dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres i dissabte |
de 09:30 h a 19:00 h |
Entrada general: 7 €
Reduïda: 5 € - 65 anys o més - pensionistes - titulars del Carnet Jove - carnet d'estudiant internacional - posseïdors del carnet de família nombrosa o monoparental - grups no turístics de mes de 10 persones
Gratuït: - menors 16 anys - persones aturades - persones amb certificat de discapacitat - membres de l'ICOM o l'ICOMOS - membres de la SCA (Soc. Catalana Arqueologia) - membres de l'AMC (Ass. Museòlegs Catalunya) - personal docent - 12 de febrer (Santa Eulàlia) - 23 d'abril (Sant Jordi) - 18 de maig (Dia Internacional dels Museus) - 11 de setembre (La Diada) - 24 de setembre (La Mercé) - primer diumenge de cada mes
Arqueoticket: 14.5 €. | ||
Diumenge i festius |
de 10:00 h a 14:30 h |
- Occur on:
- Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya.
At the bottom of the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes of our country, of our planet, there is hidden a fascinating memory, a submerged history that deserved to be floated, conserved and passed on to future generations.
The exhibition ‘Shipwrecks. Submerged History’ aims to introduce the wealth and diversity of Catalan underwater archaeological heritage, and, at the same time, the important task of studying, safeguarding and protecting it, carried out by the Centre d'Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya (CASC) since 1992. On the occasion of the centre’s 30th anniversary, this exhibition also aims to broaden public knowledge of underwater archaeology and to pay tribute to the men and women who have promoted and continue to promote it both in Catalonia and around the world.
An exhibition to see and experience!
Accessible to all audiences, the exhibition is structured into four main areas: "Sea explorers", "Of ships and sailors", "Underwater excavation" and "A heritage to protect". They feature a careful selection of more than 200 objects from the excavations carried out by the CASC over the last 30 years and from various museums and collections around the country, some of which have never been shown to the general public. The scenography for the exhibition occupies 1,000 m2 and evokes the seabed. Various audiovisual elements, some of them large-format, also combine to reinforce the sense of depth. Come and listen to the stories hidden in the seabed. Learn how underwater archaeologists work!
Curated by: Rut Geli, Xavier Nieto and Gustau Vivar
This activity is part of the Cultural Regatta, the programme of activities promoted by Barcelona City Council with the collaboration of the Government of Catalonia, to go with the America’s Cup being held in Barcelona.
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya
- Address:
- Passeig de Santa Madrona, 39*41
- :
- Sants-Montjuïc
- Neighborhood:
- el Poble-sec
- City:
- Barcelona
- When
- From 16/01/2024 to 24/11/2024
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