‘Barcelona festive imagery: giants, dwarves, bigheads, beasts and puppets’

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Exhibition. Come along and see the Bestiari Històric de Barcelona (bestiary of Barcelona), the Gegants del Pi, the dwarf Nan Cu-cut and a whole host of other figures. Admission is free.

Immerse yourself in Barcelona's popular culture. The Casa dels Entremesos is holding an exhibition of historical and innovative elements of the city's festive imagery, formed of around fifty figures. There you’ll discover giants, dwarves, bigheads, beasts and puppets.

The Casa dels Entremesos has become a centre for the active dissemination of Barcelona's popular culture. As well as producing and co-producing festivals, traditional events, gatherings and demonstrations around the city, they also hold exhibitions, talks, debates and workshops in the centre itself.

Further information.


La Casa dels Entremesos-Centre de Producció i Difusió de Cultura Popular Tradicional de Barcelona

Pl Beates, 2
Ciutat Vella
Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera
La Casa dels Entremesos-Centre de Producció i Difusió de Cultura Popular Tradicional de Barcelona
Permanent event

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