Passada de Nans i Gegants

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Occur on:
La Plaça de Sant Jaume.

Start: Pl. Sant Jaume. Route: Ferran, La Rambla, Tallers,Montalegre, Pati Manning

Passada de Nans i Gegants

When the giants have had their fill of dancing, the city will be gearing up for one of the most cherished traditions of La Mercè: the Passada de Nans i Gegants (or Parade by Dwarf and Giant figures). This parade through the streets of the Gòtic and the Raval is a joyful journey through popular culture that culminates in the Casa de la Caritat’s Pati Manning, where the figures take a break before the Cavalcada, the grand procession.

The Passada de Nans i Gegants is a vibrant spectacle, the giants step out majestically, and the dwarves make people laugh all along the way. With his traditional barretina hat and fun dance, Cu-cut, the Plaça Nova’s dwarf is always one of the favourites. But he’s not the only one who wins hearts - General Lagarto has become a sure winner with the children.

Joining the fun too are endearing figures like the dwarf Manolito who is a tribute to a much loved Sant Just resident, and the Poble Sec and La Pedrera dwarves who add a touch of the extra special to this big celebration.

La Plaça de Sant Jaume

Pl Sant Jaume, 1
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic
La Plaça de Sant Jaume

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