IBTM World 2023

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Events industry. The fair seeks to inspire the events world to offer exceptional experiences to their clients.

IBTM World is the leading global event for meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions tourism and the business travel industry (MICE).

It will be taking place from 28 to 30 November at the Fira de Barcelona, where we’ll be finding out what's new in Spanish and international companies linked to the hotel, water and tour operator sectors, as well as bodies linked to tourism, waste treatment, incentive events, tourism events, health and services.

At IBTM World there will be more than 3,000 interesting destinations and quality providers all ready to meet and connect with more than 15,000 professionals from the sector, from more than 100 countries across the globe.

Further information and registration.


IBTM World és l'esdeveniment mundial líder per a la indústria de reunions i esdeveniments i tenim un objectiu; volem inspirar el món dels esdeveniments per oferir experiències excepcionals. Durant més de 30 anys, IBTM World ha estat proporcionant a la comunitat global la inspiració, les connexions comercials i el contingut que necessiteu per crear esdeveniments de classe mundial per als vostres clients. Es presentaran les novetats d'empreses d'Espanya i internacionals relacionades amb els sectors d'hotels, aigua, operadors turístics, organismes de turisme, tractament de residus, esdeveniments incentiu, esdeveniments, turisme, salut, serveis.

Fira Barcelona - Recinte Gran Via

Av Joan Carles I, 64
Hospitalet llobregat
Fira Barcelona - Recinte Gran Via
From 19/11/2024 to 21/11/2024

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