Exposició permanent de pintura contemporània 'Monòleg, diàleg i concepte'

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Painting. Notable displays of Catalan painting from the mid-20th century through to the present day, with works by artists such as Antoni Clavé, Amèlia Riera, Niebla, Vilató, Jo Milne, Jordi Fulla, Mar Arza, Mario Pasqualotto and Sabine Finkenauer.

Under the title Monologue, dialogue and concept, the permanent exhibition rooms of the Museu Can Framis del Poblenou present a new perspective on the painting collections of the Fundació Vila Casas.

The selection, which will be renewed and complemented periodically, creates dialogues that share formal and conceptual affinities, the goal being to trace connections between artists of several trends and generations. In parallel, the exhibition places a special emphasis on the creation of new monographic rooms devoted to some of the artists most widely represented in the foundation’s collections, such as Antoni Llena, Ràfols Casamada, Jaume Plensa, Frederic Amat, Joan Pere Viladecans, Perejaume, Luis Claramunt, Vicenç Viaplana etc.

Further information.


Fundació Privada Vila Casas - Museu de Pintura Contemporània Can Framis

Carrer de Roc Boronat, 116*126
Sant Martí
el Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou
Fundació Privada Vila Casas - Museu de Pintura Contemporània Can Framis
Permanent event

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